However, here is the CBE statement of faith, in full, thanks to Ruud of Equamusic. What a great title for a blog.
- We believe the Bible is the inspired Word of God, is reliable, and is the final authority for faith and practice.
We believe in the unity and trinity of God, eternally existing as three equal persons.
We believe in the full deity and full humanity of Jesus Christ.
We believe in the sinfulness of all persons. One result of sin is shattered relationships with God, others, and self.
We believe that eternal salvation and restored relationships are possible through faith in Jesus Christ who died for us, rose from the dead, and is coming again. This salvation is offered to all people.
We believe in the work of the Holy Spirit in salvation, and in the power and presence of the Holy Spirit in the life of believers.
We believe in the equality and essential dignity of men and women of all ethnicities, ages, and classes. We recognize that all persons are made in the image of God and are to reflect that image in the community of believers, in the home, and in society.
We believe that men and women are to diligently develop and use their God-given gifts for the good of the home, church and society.
We believe in the family, celibate singleness, and faithful heterosexual marriage as God's design.
We believe that, as mandated by the Bible, men and women are to oppose injustice.
Wow, a drive-by compliment- you caught me off guard, Suzanne! Thank you--it's going to be hanging in a counseling office a a church for now.
I work with children that look like this. She is so alive.
Thanks for the flowers.
By the way, it is EquaMusic (the second word also capitalized.)
I feel free to correct, because of your love for language details... ;-)
EquaMusic is a contraction of two passions of me; equality and music (I am a composer.)
You are absolutely correct that I love the language details. You will be delighted to hear that we have a special name for a middle placed capital letter. We call it camelcase after the hump of the camel. Look at this description of camelcase or rather CamelCase.
I have corrected your link in my sidebar.
Thanks Suzanne for the correction.
I am very familiar with CamelCase, for I am a computer programmer, and in program languages (quite a different form of "linguistics") it is very often used for identifiers.
Right. Well, I didn't realize how popular a term it was with programmers until I saw that article. :-)
Considering your last name, it must be a quite familiar concept to you too :-)
I never had a name for it before. :-)
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