Egalitarianism: Theological position held by many Christians (contra complementarianism) believing the Bible does not teach that women are in any sense, functionally or ontologically, subservient to men. Women and men hold positions in society, ministry, and the family according to their gifts, not their gender. The principle of mutual submission teaches that husbands and wives are to submit to each other equally. Prominent egalitarians include Doug Groothuis, Ruth Tucker, William Webb, Gorden Fee, and Linda Belleville.Imagine that! Terrible, isn't it to think that some Christians do not think of women as subservient to men. Shocking.
But men who write things like this are still treated as great buddies by many egalitarian men.
Subservient. . . but equal. The subservient roles are just different, not lesser. . .
I think MP has been blinded in this area, thanks for pointing it out. I am praying that the blue lenses he wears will come off and he will see clearly.
Well, that must have been a slip. The definition of complementarianism certainly does not include the word "subservient".
This is straight from the Theological Word of the Day site:
Theological position held by many Christians (contra egalitarianism) believing the Bible teaches that men and women are of equal worth, dignity, and responsibility before God (ontological equality), but that men and women have different roles to play in society, the family, and the church (relational distinct roles).
My, my - playing roles sounds quite a bit different than subservient, doesn't it? Much more appealing.
But all the roles the women get are subservient ones.
As Buttercup said in The Princess Bride, "We sort of skipped that part. . ."
Plus the author misspelled Gordon's first name. And he included a bad link to his definition of "complementarianism."
Maybe the egalitarians who are great buddies with these folks don't know how to spell and thought they were talking to complimentarians instead of complementarians.
Shocking to know there are some people out there who believe women are human. The audacity!
And thanks to all you sweet guys for reminding me that men are human also.
Suzanne, I am not known for being particularly dense, but like they say, there's always a first.
The snippet you posted is as clinically neutral as the zero point on a standard number line. Neither positive or negative in its brief description of egalitarianism.
I'm not sure what you mean by egalitarian men who toady up to?
What? Can you elucidate more?
The truth is there are no REAL believers who think there are other believers who are subservient to them.
Because a true believer does not think that way. They put others before themselves.
From the police blotter
It is amazing how little has changed since 1558.
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