Monday, June 29, 2009

what was going on in Ephesus, and other good stuff

TC, Peter and a few of us have wound up a conversation on 1 Tim. 2 with a comment about what was going on in Ephesus. I am happy to introduce you to Tapestry: A Christian Woman's Collective, hosted by, where I found this post on 1 Tim. 2:15.

It contrasts nicely with the tone of the NET Bible note on 1 Tim. 2:15, which is one of the more misogynist passages in Christian literature that I have read. (I am not impressed with how these notes make the woman's role to be one of submission to male leadership, through which a woman works out redemption from the devastating effects of the role reversal in the garden. Childbearing is just one part of the total submission to the male thing.) Anyway, Tapestry is a breath of fresh air.

There have also been a few discussions about Mark Driscoll here and there. I think this article posted to the Egalitarian Christian Alliance forum may help to explain why he is so controversial.

James McGrath posted today on The Insufficiency of Scripture. I can offer a hearty amen to that notion. Here is a post explaining the events in the life of one of the members of the Saddleback church. This statement by the pastor is telling,
    “There’s something in me that wishes there was a Bible verse that says if they abuse you in this and such kind of way then you can leave them,” said Holladay, but sadly, he concluded, there wasn’t. "It’s not like you can escape the pain,” he said, since the “short-term solution” of divorce leaves the “long-term pain” of a failed marriage. Holladay further qualified that domestic abuse meant regular beatings, not simply a spouse who “grabbed you once.”
Yes, I think, in this case, Holladay needs a healthy if discreet belief in the insufficiency of scripture.


Anonymous said...

My heart nearly broke for the woman whose experience with a large Southern Calif. fundamentalist congregation was less than healthy.

It is my fervent prayer that she will learn to heal, and that her worth as a human being does not depend upon approval from clergy, elders, or from wearing scripture as a yoke.

Suzanne McCarthy said...


I am beginning to think that there is a wellspring of feminine theology appearing among even the most conservative. Even though the conservative men get up and preach their horrible male authoritarian ways, perhaps flying under the radar, there are women who are developing their own theology and nurturing each other.

Because frankly, this male authority stuff is crap to women, no matter how much they love the men in their life.

And a big hug to all you guys who read my blog, while I am at it.